
Preaching the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

Preaching the Old Testament, which can seem harsh and foreign to modern listeners, can be a challenge. In fact, many preachers abandon it altogether because of the difficulties in making it understandable and relevant to those in the pews. But to appreciate the full depth and beauty of New Testament teaching we must build our foundation on an understanding of the Old Testament. The insights of...

Physical description. Biblical narrators are notably laconic in this matter. They rarely describe the outer person, so that when they do tell us that Sarah was beautiful, Esau was hairy, or that Ehud was left-handed, they want us to perceive character that will impact plot. For example, the author of 2 Samuel suggests Absalom’s handsome virility by describing his long hair that weighed 200 shekels (2 Sam. 14:26). In Hebrew culture, long hair was associated with strength. The description helps explain
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